The Light of Consciousness
[pra- + √kaś shine, radiate; the light]
Prakasa II
(Zoom Prakāśa November 28 & 29, 2020)
Prakāśa is a small seminar series on the subject of expansion, light! It shines and expands. We begin where it begins or emerges, and as it expands, we move with views, studies and reflections within the wonderful philosophy of KashmiriŚivism, in transition to guided meditation, woven into a fine tapestry of sound of vedic and tantric mantras.
practiceasa IIcontains special recitation forms ofGayatri and Mahāmṛtyuñjaya mantra, weaves these together and deals with the subject of bhāvanā and rhythm.
the practiceasa series contains parts of my new mantra trainingmantraŚikṣā.Lessons are suitable even for beginners, accompanied by a handout with exercises.
Prakasa II
1x Mp3 - 86 mins
1x Mp3 - 86 mins
1x Mp3 - 98 mins1x PDF handout - 4 pages